Dress Code Coffee Tables
from £359*
A family of stylishly casual coffee tables.
Width: 77cm / 45cm / 49cm Height: 30cm / 40cm / 50cm Depth: 40cm / 41cm / 45cm
Lead time
6-8 weeks Delivery information
Suitable for Indoor & outdoor use
*Starting price. Minimum order applies
Call +44 (0)1923 251 923 to ask about this product
Used individually or stylishly arranged to overlap each other, the Dress Code Coffee Tables, in three shapes, are ideal for furnishing both indoor and outdoor spaces, whether a hotel, restaurant, bar, café, or any relaxation area. The base, in coated metal with a tubular section, supports the tops in either colour-matched metal, HPL in three finishes, or iconic black cork - a 100% natural, eco-friendly and recycled material.